City Service Mission

CSM is a Christian faith-based nonprofit based out of 9 different cities across the United States. CSM hosts mission trips for students & adults year-round to those cities. I was working full-time at CSM from August 2017 - April 2020 as Marketing & Communications Coordinator.

Unlearning Distance

Each year at CSM we choose a “theme” for the year to base our marketing & programming off of.
Unlearning Distance was created in 2019.


“Promo” video produced, scripted, shot, and edited for Unlearning Distance.


Social Media management & content creation for Instagram

T-shirts for Unlearning Distance were ordered & sold to 3,000+ students & adults.

T-shirts for Unlearning Distance were ordered & sold to 3,000+ students & adults.

Uncommon Community

Each year at CSM we choose a “theme” for the year to base our marketing & programming off of.
Uncommon Community was created to follow Unlearning Distance, in 2020.


“Promo” video produced, scripted, shot, and edited for Uncommon Community.


Click to view Uncommon Community webpage


Miscellaneous Projects

Apprenticeship Program: logo & branding, 2018.

Apprenticeship Program: logo & branding, 2018.

Donor Christmas Card, 2018.

Donor Christmas Card, 2018.


South Street Mural with Q102


Phoenix Cafe